Welcome to EWDOR 2023. Our team has worked hard to organise an exciting schedule full of interesting workshops and engaging events. Explore our website for all the information and book your ticket today!

The European Waldorf Doll Making Retreat is here soon.This retreat is for doll makers worldwide of all skill levels with the same interests. We will share and create in an inspiring environment, offering workshops, lectures, a Textile Market and a special yoga class (if there is interest among participants).

We will facilitate participants in specialized doll making by top professional doll maker artists. You will have the opportunity to network with influential doll makers and much more.

The atmosphere is homely, informal and relaxed in this unique and  peaceful woodland area in the Belgian Ardennes. Register today and join us for a unique and inspiring experience.

The European Waldorf Doll Making Retreat is a wonderful introduction to the Waldorf doll making world. Here you can meet like-minded people, attend doll making classes, exchange experiences, make friends and build networks whether you are a hobbyist, beginner, an advanced  or a professional doll maker.

You will be treated to a variety of doll making classes instructed by talented doll maker artists from all over the world In a historical location.

The venue accommodates our students and the meals are served here. In the evenings all the participants are free to connect or to relax. We will also organise a Textile Market in the weekend. Vendors will be offering doll making related articles. 

This European Waldorf Doll Retreat will be held from Wednesday May 31st till Sunday June 4th 2023. The first day will start as a "Meet & Greet" followed by workshops the following days.

We have chosen the venue Clairefontaine, a monastery in Arlon, Belgium as an excellent location to hold classes and at the same time to accommodate teachers and students. 

The organization is run by both my husband Berend and myself (Kamrin). We have chosen a 2-yearly event due to the time we use to devote to set up, plan and organise everything. We’re very pleased and thankful that our friend Véronique Geimer from Luxemburg will be co-hosting the coming event in 2023. 

We hope we have inspired you to join this exceptional 5-day event and look forward to welcoming you in Arlon soon.