Previous EWDORs

As Kamrin recalls: A couple of years ago I felt I needed a new challenge and came up with the idea of organizing an event to bring together doll makers and offer doll making classes. I was a member of the Guild of Waldorf Doll makers in the Netherlands for many years. The Guild came to an end and it seemed a good idea to establish a similar doll making event and to involve other European doll makers. 

During a conversation, a friend doll maker Agnieszka Nowak suggested to make it a European event which led to name the event "European Waldorf Doll Seminar", not realising at that moment interest would be so wide and globally spread. In April 2016 the first European Waldorf Doll Seminar which was a try-out event was held at the venue Mennorode in Elspeet, The Netherlands. The doll makers we had invited were all volunteers. For most of them this was a huge step and a challenge as they had not given doll making classes before. I was glad to succeed in finally convincing them. For me a blessing to see that the Seminar has set a trend to Waldorf doll making classes.

A small group of mainly Dutch and a few international doll maker artists came to teach. Due to the unexpected enthusiasm after the first event we decided to repeat the Seminar and make it a 2-yearly event.

The second Seminar was held in 2018. More tutors were invited due to the growth of the number of participants. The event appeared to be an even bigger success attracting a lot of interest within the Waldorf doll making community.